A Drag King’s Pride Month Reflection: Drag Performers’ Contribution to Pride

The Significance of Pride Month and the Contribution of Drag Performers

Hey there, fabulous friends! As Pride Month comes to a close, I find myself reflecting on the vibrant celebrations, powerful stories, and the sense of unity that has defined these past weeks. It's been a time of joy, resilience, and profound connection within our community. As we bid farewell to another Pride Month, it's crucial to remember that our commitment to advocacy, inclusivity, and equality doesn't end here. The spirit of Pride should continue to inspire us every day, driving us to create a world where everyone can live authentically and without fear. Let’s take the energy and momentum from this month and carry it forward, fostering a more inclusive and loving society all year round.

Every June, we commemorate the Stonewall Riots of 1969, a pivotal moment in the fight for LGBTQ+ rights, which sparked the modern LGBTQ+ rights movement. Pride Month serves as a reminder of the progress we've made, the struggles we've endured, and the work that still lies ahead. It's a time to honor those who came before us, to celebrate who we are, and to continue pushing for equality and acceptance.

The Origins of Pride Month

Pride Month traces its roots back to the Stonewall Riots, which began on June 28, 1969, in New York City. The Stonewall Inn, a gay bar in Greenwich Village, was a haven for the LGBTQ+ community, offering a rare space where they could express themselves freely. However, it was also a frequent target of police raids, reflecting the widespread discrimination and harassment faced by LGBTQ+ individuals.

On that fateful night, the community had enough. When the police raided the bar, patrons and neighborhood residents fought back, leading to days of protests and clashes with law enforcement. The riots galvanized the LGBTQ+ community, leading to the formation of activist groups and the first Pride marches. The bravery and resilience of those who stood up at Stonewall are commemorated every June, as we come together to celebrate Pride Month.

A Personal Experience: The Importance of Language and Allies

When I first started at my job, I was still navigating the complexities of being openly queer at work. One day, as we were preparing for a work trip to Chicago, a coworker referred to the upcoming event as the "gay pride parade." He even went as far as to label all our official documents with "gay pride." Being new and recently out (or rather, outed), I felt hesitant to correct him.

However, I mustered the courage to gently tell him that it's simply "Pride," not "gay pride." He was embarrassed but quickly corrected everything he could and apologized sincerely. His receptiveness to my correction and willingness to learn the appropriate language meant a lot to me.

Unfortunately, not all my coworkers were as understanding. Many of the men in the office were annoyed by my correction and showed a general discomfort with our community's terminology. What they didn't realize was how much their resistance exposed their underlying homophobia.

The allyship shown by my coworker who corrected himself was incredibly impactful. He demonstrated to others that empathy and respect are essential, showing that there's no reason to attack or belittle our community. His actions, though small, had a significant effect, reminding me and others that we deserve to be treated with dignity and understanding.

More Than Just Fabulous Outfits: The Role of Drag Performers in Pride

Drag performers have always been at the heart of the LGBTQ+ community. Their art isn’t just about dazzling costumes and lip-syncing (though we love that too!); it’s about challenging norms, expressing oneself, and making a statement.

Drag performers have played an instrumental role in Pride celebrations. Drag queens, drag kings, and nonbinary performers use their art to entertain, inspire, and educate, breaking down barriers and fostering acceptance.

My goal as a drag king is to use my platform to share knowledge and raise awareness about the adversity faced by marginalized communities. I want to speak from my own experiences with adversity as a woman and a queer person, and to advocate for all oppressed communities, not just my own. My mission is to bring kindness and equality to the world. Pride celebrations are a fantastic opportunity to spread these messages, and drag is an engaging and effective way to do that. I aim to address serious issues through my performances in an entertaining and comical way, creating a space where people feel comfortable, included, and joyful.

Historical Icons

From the early days of the LGBTQ+ rights movement, drag performers have been at the forefront. Figures like Marsha P. Johnson and Sylvia Rivera, who were prominent drag queens and transgender activists, were crucial in the Stonewall Riots and the subsequent fight for LGBTQ+ rights. They used their visibility and influence to advocate for marginalized groups within the community, particularly transgender and gender-nonconforming individuals. Their bravery and activism were pivotal in pushing the LGBTQ+ rights movement forward. Without their contributions, who knows where we’d be today?

Visibility and Representation

Drag performers bring visibility to our community in a way that’s both entertaining and enlightening. They show the world that gender is fluid and that everyone deserves to express themselves freely. This visibility is vital, especially for young people who might feel alone or misunderstood. Drag performers showcasing the diversity and vibrancy of our experiences through their performances challenge gender norms and stereotypes, opening minds and hearts. This visibility is crucial, especially for those who may feel isolated or marginalized. Seeing a drag performer confidently and fabulously owning their truth can be a life-changing experience; it’s incredibly empowering and affirming… watching the expression of love and tolerance through drag inspired me to explore my own drag persona and create Max E. Pad during a very difficult time in my life when I needed to feel that sense of belonging, and found it in this community.

Celebration and Joy

Pride Month is a celebration, and drag performers bring the party! Their energy, creativity, and talent infuse Pride events with joy and excitement. Whether it's a glittering parade, a lively drag show, or a heartfelt performance, drag artists create spaces where people can come together, celebrate their identities, and feel a sense of belonging. Their shows are full of energy, creativity, and a sense of freedom that’s infectious. From parades to clubs to virtual performances, drag artists bring the sparkle to Pride. Their performances are a reminder that being LGBTQ+ is something to be proud of and celebrated.

I've spent too much of my life feeling shame about my orientation and identity. Now, I choose to actively push that negativity and embarrassment out of my space and surround myself with accepting and inclusive people. Nowhere have I experienced this more than in the drag community. While we aren't perfect, and as a king, I still feel marginalized at times, I'm in a space where I can safely identify and discuss these feelings. I can share my experiences without feeling shame about the gender I was assigned at birth, and work towards greater inclusivity both within and outside of my community.

Advocacy and Education

Beyond the glitz and glamour, drag performers are also advocates and educators. Many use their platforms to speak out on important issues affecting the LGBTQ+ community, from transgender rights to HIV/AIDS awareness to mental health. Through their art, they educate audiences about the history, struggles, and triumphs of the LGBTQ+ community. Drag performers often participate in fundraisers, rallies, and community events, using their influence to make a positive impact.

There are also the drag focused TV shows. RuPaul’s Drag Race has brought drag (queens) into mainstream culture, highlighting the struggles and triumphs of the LGBTQ+ community. Shows like this educate audiences and foster greater understanding and acceptance. There is also Dragula, which is carving a niche for horror and filth drag, inclusively showcasing all drag performers, not just queens. This inclusivity is vital, as it broadens the representation of drag and embraces the diversity within our community.

I envision this blog and website as a vital resource for advocacy and education on the issues affecting our community. While my primary focus is on drag, especially the king community, my commitment extends to the entire queer community. My goal is to shed light on societal inequalities and engage in meaningful discussions on achieving equity.

I want this blog to be a place where we can learn and grow together. I hope that, over time, my understanding will deepen and my perspective will broaden, becoming more open and aware each year. I don’t claim to have all the answers or the ability to solve every problem, but I believe my experiences can help others and that my platform can amplify voices that are often silenced by society. Join me in making this vision a reality.

The Ongoing Fight for Equality

While Pride Month is a time of celebration, it's also a reminder of the ongoing fight for equality. Discrimination, violence, and inequality still affect many in our community. Drag performers, like all of us, face these challenges head-on. Their resilience and visibility are powerful tools in pushing for a world where everyone can live freely and authentically and fight for acceptance and equality. Despite the progress we've made, LGBTQ+ individuals still face discrimination, violence, and unequal treatment. By pushing boundaries and challenging societal norms, drag performers help pave the way for a more inclusive and accepting world, and I am honored to be a part of this community and this movement.

Examples of Drag Contributions During Pride:

Fundraisers and Charity Events

Drag queens and kings often host and perform at fundraisers for LGBTQ+ causes. Events like Drag Brunches and charity shows raise significant funds for community organizations. For instance, the “Drag Queen Story Hour” programs across the country have not only raised money but also provided safe spaces for LGBTQ+ youth.

Political Advocacy

Many drag performers are at the forefront of political activism – my aspiration. For example, Pissi Myles, a drag queen, made headlines when she attended the impeachment hearings in Washington, D.C. Her presence was a bold statement about visibility and the importance of LGBTQ+ voices in political spaces.

Community Building

Drag performers help build and strengthen our community. Local drag shows are often the heartbeat of LGBTQ+ spaces, providing a sense of belonging and support. These shows are where lifelong friendships are made, and where people find their chosen families.

Pride Month is a time to celebrate our identities, honor our history, and advocate for a brighter future. Drag performers play a crucial role in these celebrations, bringing visibility, joy, and advocacy to the forefront. As we celebrate Pride, let's remember the contributions of drag performers and the important role they play in our community. Let's continue to support and uplift them, as we work together towards a world where everyone can live authentically and proudly. Next time you’re at a Pride event and you see a drag performer dazzling the crowd, remember—they’re not just there to entertain. They’re there to inspire, to educate, and to lead us in celebration of who we are. Let’s celebrate Pride Month by honoring the incredible contributions of drag performers and continuing to support and uplift each other in our ongoing fight for equality.

As we conclude this Pride Month, let’s carry the spirit of these celebrations into our everyday lives. The stories we've shared, the battles we've fought, and the love we've expressed must continue to guide us in our quest for equality and acceptance. Pride isn't confined to a single month; it's a lifelong journey of living authentically, supporting one another, and standing up against injustice. Let’s remain committed to creating safe spaces, amplifying marginalized voices, and spreading love and kindness in all we do. Together, we can build a world where everyone is free to be their true selves, every day of the year.

Happy Pride!


Patriotic Drag King?


Stonewall Uprising