Why am I doing this?

Why drag king-dom, you might wonder? Well, strap in (or strap on), because I'm about to spill the tea on why I've chosen to dive headfirst into this glittery rabbit hole. First things first, let's talk about the sheer joy of it all! There's nothing quite like strutting onto the stage, decked out in all my fabulous finery, ready to unleash my inner diva for all the world to see. It's like stepping into a whole new dimension of self-expression where the only limit is your imagination! But it's not just about the glitz and glamour (although, let's be real, who doesn't love a good sequin?). No, being a drag king is also my way of sticking it to the status quo and flipping the script on societal norms. And let's not forget the sense of community that comes with being part of the drag world. There's nothing quite like bonding with your fellow performers over a shared love of all things fabulous. So, there you have it. Being a drag king isn't just a hobby – it's a way of life, a fabulous journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and, of course, plenty of glitter.

Let me whisk you away into the whimsical world of drag kings, where glitter is practically a food group! Here I am… an odd individual strutting onto the stage, bejeweled in sequins and sass with a great ass, ready to unleash this self-expression and empowerment Hurricane Max E Pad.

As a drag king, I have the opportunity to explore and express my creativity in diverse ways. Whether it's through costume design, makeup, choreography, or performance art, I have the freedom to experiment with different styles and personas. This creative expression allows me to tap into my imagination and showcase my artistic talents, so welcome to my playground. As a drag king, I get to play dress-up on a whole new level. Forget about your typical nine-to-five grind, because here, I'm here for the reinvention. Whether I'm channeling a suave gentleman from the roaring '20s or a rebellious rockstar with a flair for the dramatic, the stage is my canvas, and boy, do I paint with all the colors of the rainbow!

But it's not just about the glitz and glamour. It's about diving deep into the sea of emotions and surfacing with pearls of wisdom. Drag is my Emotional Expression hotline. Through my drag persona, I can express emotions and experiences that may be challenging to articulate in everyday life. Drag provides a platform for me to channel my feelings, whether it's joy, sorrow, anger, or empowerment. By embodying different characters and narratives, I can explore facets of my own identity and connect with others on an emotional level. When life throws me lemons, I turn those sour moments into a fabulous lemonade of fierceness! Joy, sorrow, anger – you name it, I'll serve it up with a side of empowerment, with the support of my drag family of course.

Now, let's talk community. Being a drag performer isn't just about strutting my stuff on stage; it's about waving my glittery flag high for all to see. We kings, queens, and in betweens are the trailblazers, the pioneers of fabulousness, challenging norms and expanding the boundaries of gender expression one sequin at a time. Performances offer visibility and representation for gender-nonconforming individuals, contributing to a more inclusive and diverse cultural landscape. By participating in drag events and supporting queer causes, we actively contribute to community empowerment and solidarity. By standing tall and proud, we're not just entertaining the masses – we're paving the way for a more inclusive and diverse world.

And let's not forget the journey of self-discovery and identity formation. Being a drag performer is like embarking on a wild safari through the jungle of selfhood. Masculinity, femininity, non-binary expressions – you name it, I'm exploring it all with the enthusiasm of a puppy with a squeaky toy. Through experiences as a drag king, I continuously explore and define my own sense of identity. Drag allows for embracing fluidity and complexity in self-concept. By embodying diverse personas and engaging with various communities, we gain insights into our own values, desires, and aspirations. Through the magic of drag, I'm peeling back the layers of societal expectations and discovering the delicious core of authenticity within.

So, there you have it. Being a drag king isn't just a performance – it's a wild, glitter-soaked adventure filled with laughter, tears, and everything in between. And as I sashay through this fabulous journey, I invite you to join me, to celebrate the beauty of diversity, and to dare to be unapologetically yourself, one fabulous strut at a time!


Sober Swagger: Strutting the stage as a Sober Drag King


Transcendent Treasures: Celebrating the Glittering Stars of Trans Drag Performers!