Breaking Down Drag: Beyond Queens and into the Realm of Kings and Nonbinary Royalty

Hi fabulous friends,

Welcome to the magnificent world of drag, where glitter meets grit, and self-expression reigns supreme! Drag is more than just a performance; it's a vibrant art form that allows individuals to step into different personas, explore gender boundaries, and dazzle audiences with their creativity.

Now, when we talk about drag, what's the first image that pops into your mind? A fierce drag queen sashaying her hourglass silhouette down the runway, perhaps? Well there's a whole lot more to the drag universe than meets the eye!

Before I go on, I have to say… I love watching talented drag queens perform! They are phenomenal entertainers who bring so much creativity, charisma, and flair to the stage. Their performances are nothing short of magical, captivating audiences with their dazzling costumes, impeccable lip-syncing skills, and larger-than-life personalities. It's no wonder they have such a dedicated fanbase! And I say the same about talented drag kings and nonbinary performers…

Let's take a journey beyond the spotlight usually reserved for queens and dive into the realm of drag kings and nonbinary performers. These fabulous folks are unsung heroes of the drag community, often overshadowed but undeniably deserving of their moment in the limelight.

Drag kings and nonbinary performers bring a fresh perspective to the stage, challenging traditional notions of gender and identity with every strut and pose. Yet, despite their undeniable talent and contribution to the art form, they often find themselves underrepresented and overlooked.

I am endlessly grateful to the drag queens who have extended their support by mentoring and booking me, allowing me the opportunity to showcase my talent and share the stage with such luminous performers. Their generosity and inclusivity have elevated my confidence and amplified the visibility of drag kings within our vibrant community. I am fortunate that where I live, the prominent show hosts book and support kings and nonbinary performers because that is not the case everywhere.


It's about coming together as a community to lift each other up and celebrate the diversity of drag in all its shine. To all the fabulous drag queens out there, we're simply asking for a seat at the table, a chance to shine alongside you and show the world what drag kings and nonbinary performers are made of.

We understand the hustle, the need to pack the house and keep the audience entertained. That's why we're committed to bringing a stellar talent, to honing our craft and delivering performances that leave audiences cheering for more.

To all the fierce fans of drag, let your voices be heard! Speak up and ask show hosts to diversify their lineups by booking drag kings alongside the queens. Your support and advocacy can help break down barriers and ensure that all facets of drag are celebrated and represented on stage. Together, let's create inclusive spaces where every performer has the opportunity to shine!

So, show hosts, event organizers, and drag enthusiasts alike, let's make some magic happen. Let's embrace the diversity of drag and give kings and nonbinary performers the recognition they deserve. Together, we can create shows that are as inclusive as they are entertaining, where every queen, king, and everyone in between has a chance to sparkle and shine.

Remember, in the world of drag, there's room for everyone to slay. So let's strut away from outdated norms and into a future where all forms of drag are celebrated, validated, and embraced with open arms. After all, isn't that what true fabulosity is all about?

Photo credit: Brandon KC Young


Embracing Myself: Navigating the Drag Kingdom with Neurodiversity


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