Drag and Politics

The Power of Politics in Drag

Drag is an art form that has always been inherently political. From its origins in underground clubs to its rise to mainstream visibility, drag has been a platform for self-expression, rebellion, and activism. As a drag king, I've found that incorporating politics into my performances not only adds depth to my art but also amplifies important messages that need to be heard. Today, I want to share why I believe politics and drag go hand in hand and how it can be a powerful tool for change, especially in this crucial election year.

Drag as a Form of Resistance

Historically, drag has been a form of resistance against societal norms and oppressive systems. Drag kings, drag queens, and non-binary drag performers have used their art to challenge gender stereotypes, fight for LGBTQ+ rights, and create spaces where marginalized voices can be heard. By its very nature, drag questions and subverts the status quo, making it a natural fit for political commentary.

Making a Statement in an Election Year

This year is an election year, and the stakes couldn't be higher. As a queer person and a performer, I feel very strongly about the importance of ensuring that Trump isn't voted back into office. His administration has been detrimental to women, LGBTQ+ rights, and marginalized communities. It's crucial for all of us to do our research and vote for the candidates who will protect and advance our rights.

In my recent performances, I've found joy and purpose in using my platform for activism. One of my favorite numbers was a parody that mocked Trump and encouraged people to vote for Kamala Harris. It didn't sit well with everyone, but it felt empowering to use my art to advocate for a cause I believe in. Drag allows us to deliver powerful messages with humor, creativity, and flair, making political statements more engaging and accessible.

Taking the Message Online

Beyond the stage, I also use my online and social media platform to cover political issues. Inspired by drag artists like Landon Cider and Maxi Glamour, who use their drag platforms for activism and advocacy, I strive to make a difference both in person and online. Social media has become a vital tool for spreading awareness, educating others, and rallying support for important causes. By sharing content that addresses political issues, I aim to engage a broader audience and encourage more people to take action.

The Importance of Consent and Boundaries

While incorporating politics into drag is powerful, it's essential to maintain respect and consent. As performers, our interactions with the audience should always be consensual, and we must respect their boundaries. This principle applies not only to physical interactions but also to the content of our performances. It's crucial to create a safe and inclusive environment where everyone feels respected and valued. When I performed a number that mocked Trump, the few people that support him simply turned their back to me during the performance. This is completely acceptable, and I was not at all offended. Also, I didn’t force myself on them or bring attention to them. It was as simple as ignoring each other during the number. After the show, that person approached me to let me know that they don’t agree with my political views, but they didn’t say anything hateful to me about the performance. Another example of being mindful with performances is a number that intrigued me. It is a song about childhood abuse, and one part of the song could be very triggering for a person that had experienced it. Although it is healing for me to perform that song with that part of it, it isn’t appropriate for every venue. There is a show that I will be performing that number next month, but the performance will be appropriate for that show because it is an alternative show with a gore vibe. So really it is just about knowing the audience and ensuring that your number is appropriate in the same way that an adult only bar show would call for a very different performance than a drag story hour at a library.

Balancing Activism and Mental Health

Incorporating politics into my drag is empowering, but it's essential for me to balance my activism with my mental health. I struggle with major depressive disorder, and I know that oversaturating my mind with negative news can lead to a pretty negative headspace. Juggling keeping up with the news and ensuring that I am mentally healthy is a balancing act that is unique to each person. I have spent years working on my mental health to get to where I am, and I know that I'm not done. To maintain this balance, I try to find a positive and fun spin on the political subjects I include in my performances. This approach helps me stay engaged without compromising my well-being. I also have to look for signs that I am slipping mentally… For example, I know that if my dishes are piling up and my floors are dirty, then my depression is creeping back in. This might seem ridiculous to someone else, but for me it can be a sign of active depression, so I take a moment to reflect on how much I have been sleeping and if I am keeping my appointments. I also have a couple of people that know me well enough that I can call them and let them know where I am at mentally and get some feedback. This year I will have to be extra vigilant because of my strong opinions about the election and the saturation of news in everyday life, also because of a big change in my personal life/ a career shift. It is so important for us to gain some self-awareness to keep ourselves mentally safe and capable of experiencing joy.

The Role of Humor and Satire

Humor and satire are potent tools in political drag. They allow us to tackle serious issues in a way that is entertaining and thought-provoking. Some parodies, for example, cleverly blend humor with political critique, making complex issues more relatable. In my performances, I strive to strike a balance between comedy and commentary, ensuring that my audience is both entertained and enlightened.

Challenges and Backlash

Including politics in drag is not without its challenges. I've faced criticism and backlash from people who believe that drag should be apolitical or purely entertainment. However, I firmly believe that drag is a reflection of our lived experiences, and politics is an integral part of that. The fight for equality, justice, and representation is ongoing, and drag can be a powerful vehicle for driving change. Also, the antiquated idea that we must avoid the topics of religion, sex, and politics doesn’t seem to apply to the art of drag. Drag has been used in activism and policy change throughout history, it challenges gender norms and allows for performers to express their sexuality in appropriate spaces, and I know many performers that have brought religion into their drag both to honor their religion, and to challenge organized religion. Drag offers us a way to artistically address and express these taboo subjects. I completely disagree with the idea of avoiding these subjects in drag; however, I also know that I will lose some support from people that don’t agree with me. And I am okay with that.

Using Our Platform Responsibly

As drag performers, we have a responsibility to use our platform wisely. We have the power to influence, inspire, and educate. By addressing political issues through our art, we can raise awareness, spark conversations, and mobilize our communities. It's about more than just performing; it's about making a difference. With that in mind, we need to make sure that the information that we are sharing is true. With all of the misinformation circulating our world, we need to make sure that we double check the subject or message that we are perpetuating. An example of this is when I had seen a post about a company supporting the RNC. I reposted without checking if it was true, and someone commented that it was debunked and fake. I immediately deleted the post and did my research. This was a good lesson for me to make sure that I am making sure that the information that I am consuming and sharing is true.

So… In my opinion,

Including politics in drag is not only relevant but necessary. It's a way to honor the legacy of those who came before us, who used their art to fight for their rights and the rights of others. It's a way to continue pushing for a more inclusive and equitable world. As we don our wigs, makeup, and costumes, let's remember the power we hold and use it to create the change we want to see.

Drag is more than glitter and glam; it's a force for good. Let's embrace it, celebrate it, and use it to amplify our voices and our values. This election year, let's make sure our voices are heard, our votes are counted, and our rights are protected.


Please follow me on social media for more on drag kings and drag culture.

FB: Max E. Pad – Drag King

IG: @max_3_pad



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