Paris Olympics Opening Ceremony - In Support of Drag

In support of the 2024 Paris Olympics Opening Ceremony’s queer art.

The opening ceremony of the 2024 Paris Olympics was intended to be a celebration of inclusion, diversity, and the power of unity. With the inclusion of drag performers, the organizers aimed to send a powerful message about the absurdity of violence and the importance of embracing our shared humanity. Unfortunately, this message was misunderstood by some within the Christian and Catholic communities, leading to an apology from the organizers – which I deeply believe was unnecessary. This situation has sparked a conversation that needs to be addressed thoughtfully and honestly.

As a member of the queer community, I feel a profound sense of hurt and frustration. In 2024, we are still fighting for acceptance and understanding. It is deeply painful to see the focus shift to hatred and misunderstanding rather than the celebration of art and inclusion. The opening ceremony was not about promoting a "pride event"; it was about showcasing the beauty of diversity and the richness of human expression – it only had one performance that showcased queer art, yet it sparked backlash and negativity. Drag is art, not perversion.

A Misunderstood Message

The intent behind including drag performers in the ceremony was to prompt reflection on the absurdity of violence between human beings. The performance was a creative and bold expression meant to challenge viewers to look beyond their preconceptions and see the shared humanity in all of us. However, instead of sparking this intended reflection, some within the Christian and Catholic communities took offense, perceiving the use of drag as a slight against their beliefs. This reaction highlights a deeper issue that goes beyond a single performance.

A History of Oppression

For as long as I can remember, the queer community has been bullied and oppressed by certain factions within these religious communities. Religion has often been wielded as a tool against us, used to justify exclusion, discrimination, and violence. The very communities that now demand an apology for feeling offended have, for decades, inflicted profound harm on the LGBTQ+ community.

This history cannot be ignored. It is a painful reality that many queer individuals have had to navigate, balancing their identities with the constant fear of rejection and violence justified by religious doctrines. The opening ceremony's intent was not to mock or belittle anyone's faith but to highlight the absurdity of the very violence and division that such misunderstandings perpetuate.

Drag is Art

Let me be clear: drag is art. It is an art form that thrives on creativity, resilience, and the power of transformation. It is a space where individuals can express their true selves, challenge societal norms, and celebrate individuality. Drag is not perversion; it is a vibrant, expressive, and deeply personal form of artistic expression. Including drag performers in the opening ceremony was a recognition of this art form's value and importance.

A Call for Reflection

Instead of focusing on the perceived offense, it is crucial to revisit the original intent of the performance. I believe that the inclusion of drag performers was a deliberate choice to use art as a means of challenging viewers to confront their biases and reflect on the consequences of hatred and violence. It was a call for unity, urging us to move beyond the superficial differences that often divide us and to recognize the shared humanity that binds us all.

The Role of Religion in Promoting Love and Acceptance

At its core, religion is meant to promote love, compassion, and understanding. Many within the Christian and Catholic communities do embody these values, working tirelessly to support and uplift others. However, it is also essential to acknowledge that religious teachings have been misused to justify exclusion and harm. It is time for a shift in perspective, where the true essence of faith—love and acceptance—is prioritized over dogma and division.

Moving Forward Together

The reaction to the opening ceremony underscores the need for continued dialogue and education. It is an opportunity for all communities to come together, to listen, and to learn from one another. The queer community does not seek to undermine or attack religious beliefs; rather, we seek understanding, acceptance, and the freedom to express our identities without fear of retribution.


The 2024 Paris Olympics opening ceremony was a bold attempt to use art to foster reflection and unity. While the message was misunderstood by some, it remains a powerful reminder of the work that still needs to be done. Let us use this moment as a catalyst for deeper understanding and compassion. By embracing the true spirit of love and acceptance that lies at the heart of all major religions, we can move towards a world where everyone, regardless of their identity, can live authentically and peacefully.

It is time to celebrate art in all its forms, to honor the diversity of human expression, and to stand together against hatred and division. The inclusion of drag performers in the Olympics was a step towards a more inclusive and accepting world, and that is something we should all support and celebrate.

A Bold Step Forward

The inclusion of drag performers in such a globally recognized event is a monumental step forward in the ongoing journey towards equality and acceptance. It also exposed the degradation and marginalization that is still experienced within the queer community and the ongoing attack on drag performers. Drag, as an art form, has long been a beacon of self-expression, resilience, and the celebration of individuality, as well as incredibly misunderstood by many people that are outside of the community. The negative perception of drag is perpetuated by communities that seek continued oppression of the queer community by continuing to spread a narrative of perversion within the community. By featuring drag performers, the Paris Olympics are embracing a community that has often been marginalized, sending a clear message that the world ought to be ready to celebrate and honor all forms of identity and expression – this message is long overdue.

A Global Platform for Representation

The Olympic Games are watched by millions around the globe, providing an unparalleled platform to promote messages of unity and acceptance. The inclusion of drag performers undoubtedly inspired countless individuals who may have felt unseen or unaccepted, but that was quickly replaced with fear from the backlash that the organizers had experienced. We are tired of living in fear. It should have been a reminder that no matter who you are, your identity is valid and worthy of celebration. This moment in the spotlight was not just about visibility; it was about affirming the value of every person’s unique journey and encouraging a world where everyone can live authentically. Unfortunately, the opposite message is being heard by many within my community because of the hatred that followed the performance.

A Celebration of Humanity

At its core, the Olympics are about more than just sports; they’re a celebration of humanity. They bring together people from all corners of the globe, showcasing the incredible diversity of human talent and spirit. The inclusion of drag performers enhanced this celebration by adding another layer of cultural richness and inclusivity. It’s a recognition that the human experience is diverse and that this diversity is something to be celebrated, not feared. I applaud the artist’s vision of unity for this performance, and I commend the organizers of the 2024 Olympics for promoting this message and taking pride in France’s artistic freedom.

Spreading a Message of Hope

In a world that often feels divided, the 2024 Paris Olympics utilized this platform as an opportunity to spread a message of hope and unity. The inclusion of drag performers is a testament to the power of embracing diversity and fostering an environment where everyone can thrive. It’s a call to action for individuals and communities to stand up against discrimination and to support one another in the pursuit of equality and acceptance. We can and should be loud in support of the queer representation in the opening games. We cannot let the backlash break our spirit and instill more fear in our hearts. It is up to us to expose the bigotry behind the backlash.

Here’s to an Olympics that not only showcases the best in athletic achievement but also the best in humanity.


Please follow me on social media for more on drag kings and drag culture.

FB: Max E. Pad – Drag King

IG: @max_3_pad



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